Premmerce Blog

WooCommerce Tutorials, Tips, and Resources to Help Grow Your Store

WooCommerce Tutorials

Woocommerce Multilingual Settings With WPML

  Based on our experience, almost every owner of an online store at least once asked himself a  question: “Why do I sell only in my country and what stops me from distributing my products around the world and earning more?”. Thats why we’ve desided to write this tutorial about WooCommerce multilingual settings.

Jul 2, 2018
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Premmerce Premium Plugin and SalesZone Theme Commercial Launch

  It’s not a secret that to launch a successful e-commerce project on WooCommerce – you really need to install from 10 to 30 different plugins and complete about 40 different settings. Each plugin usually has its own support team and updates and you must work really hard to make sure all plugins you install […]

Jul 1, 2018
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Premmerce Plugins

Premmerce WooCommerce Wishlist Plugin

  A WooCommerce Wishlist is a tool that will allow your customers to choose and save products for future purchases and to share them with their friends. Just review wishlists and influence your customers’ decision making by offering bargains and super deals based on the collected information.

Jun 30, 2018

Woocommerce Frequently Bought Together

This plugin is used to display Frequently Bought Together block of products with discounts and to display them as a list on a product page. You can add bundles of frequently bought together products directly from a product editing page and display them as discounts under a regular price.

Jun 29, 2018
Premmerce Plugins

Premmerce WooCommerce Redirect Manager

  The Premmerce Redirect Manager enables you to create 301 and 302 redirects and to set up the automatic redirects for the deleted products in the WooCommerce store. This is the main Premmerce plugin for the redirect management and it focuses on the  improvement of  your store’s SEO, usability and navigation.

Jun 27, 2018

Premmerce WooCommerce Wholesale Pricing

  The Premmerce WooCommerce Wholesale Pricing is a plugin that allows you to add individual wholesale prices or other prices types for WooCommerce products for any users’ roles. This plugin effectively works with the Premmerce User Roles plugin that allows you to easily create additional users’ roles directly from the dashboard.

Jun 26, 2018
WooCommerce Tutorials

WooСommerce Quickbooks Integration: Plugins and Services Review

In this research we’ll describe all the available WooСommerce Quickbooks integration methods and analyse them in detail.Plus, we’ll compare some popular solutions so that you can choose what’s the best option for your business. To start with let’s clarify what QuickBooks is and what problems it solves.

Jun 25, 2018
WooCommerce Tutorials

WordPress User Activity Log Plugins: Review and Settings

  Do you know what your users are actually doing when they open your website? We’ve made the  research on tools which will be great for tracking logs in  WordPress and chosen three most popular WordPress User Activity Log plugins from the WordPress plugin directory: Activity Log, User’s Activity Log, User’s Activity Tracking and Log. […]

Jun 22, 2018
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Woocommerce Import Products Guide

Importing huge amount of product items to your website has always been such a pain in… But there are much easier ways to maintain  the bulk product importing into your online store with XML/CSV. This problem is common, especially for those shops that sell over  100  items.  After the first product import there is often […]

Jun 21, 2018
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