
Removing product-category base from product URLs

  • Updated 2 years ago

Sometimes it can be beneficial to remove the “/product-category” base from your product category URLs to improve the structure of the permalink.

This URL prefix is generated by default by WooCommerce and removing it will ideally provide a clean, SEO friendly URL that is readable by humans, which contains only meaningful and relevant keywords.

In order to do this with Premmerce Permalink Manager, proceed in Premmerce > Permalink Manager > Settings and set your Category permalink settings to either of the options available:

Upon doing so, it will remove the product category base from your product URLs. As an example, a product URL will turn like so – https:/ and not https:/

If you would like to return it to the default way of how WooCommerce structures the category URL, you can use the WooCommere settings option.

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